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dirty nails

heres a tip for the ladies..if you dont like gardening gloves...dig your nails into a bar of soap so when you finish in the garden not so much dirt gets under them and your hands wash much easier!!



  • Great tip, I'll be doing that from now on, love being in the garden but hate gardening nails.
  • Thanks for that brilliant tip Rosie Plum, I hate wearing gloves, and get really fed up spending ages digging dirt out from under my nails, so will definitely being doing that from now on!

  • Really great tip I will be doing that .image

  • another one is to hang the ends of soap or a bar from your outside tap in some old tights, that way between dirty and clean garden jobs you dont have to take your wellies off and go indoors to do itimage

  • l have used this method for years l put old pieces of soap in a jar and use that.

  • I will certainly be trying the soap in the nails trick - I hate scrubbing my nails after gardening.

  • Much better to have two kinds of gardening gloves - one for the tough jobs like pruning roses and the other, close fitting pair for fiddly jobs like pricking out seedlings.  No lady likes to have rough or dirty hands and no one should ill treat their skin by exposing it to potential irritants.  If you must garden gloveless there are good barrier creams you can smother your hands in.  When I see Monty Don's dirty hands on .GW I breathe a prayer he has barrier cream on.  Carole's hands always look newly washed or she is wearing gloves and Rachel I am sure would not spoil her image by exposing her hands to scratches, rashes or bacteria,

  • Great tip Rosie Plumb I have now done what you suggested and its worked a treat .....Now why didnt I think of doing that ! !

  • brilliant mary3, glad it worked for you, and happymarion, my garden is very hard to work, really heavy compacted stony lucky to get an afternoon out of a pair of gloves!!!but your right...gloves should be worn for certain jobs..and always when handling chemicals...always!!!!but for putting bedding plants in and hand weeding i find i need to feel my way along and the gloves just dont suit!!

  • I can't be doing with all that sticking soap under the finger nails, it aggravates me. I scrub 'em clean afterwards with a nailbrush and a dob of really cheap toothpaste. they come really clean, but you need to moisturise your hands afterwards.